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Re-Familiarize Yourself With The Law Pertaining To Bus Stops

Re-Familiarize Yourself With The Law Pertaining To Bus Stops

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by: TownHubAdmin Active Indicator LED Icon Site Admin  OP  New Member
~ 1 year, 9 mos ago   Aug 11, '22 12:14pm  
Re-Familiarize Yourself With The Law Pertaining To Bus Stops
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With school districts across Texas returning to classes, the Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management would like to remind drivers to slow down and be alert in school zones.
While many students take the bus to school, others will walk or ride their bikes.
Therefore, motorists and students should minimize distractions and remain attentive for everyone's safety.
Please re-familiarize yourself with the law as it pertains to bus stops:
State law requires drivers to stop when a bus is stopped and operating a visual signal – either red flashing lights or a stop sign.
Drivers should not proceed until the school bus resumes motion, the bus driver signals you to move, or the visual signal is no longer activated.
Approaching drivers do not have to stop for a school bus with its operating visual signal if the roadway is separated by a physical barrier or an intervening space. If a highway is divided only by a left-turning lane, the road is not considered separated, and drivers must stop for school buses (see examples below).
As a reminder, school buses, by law, must stop at all railroad crossings.
Motorists who illegally pass stopped school buses put our schoolchildren in harm's way, and that behavior will not be tolerated.
Also, please consider the following safety tips:
-When walking to school, plan the most direct route to school with the fewest street crossings and select intersections with crossing guards (if possible).
-Instruct your child to keep their head up and phone down! Never walk while texting or talking on the phone.
-Additionally, we recommend your child walk to and from school with a sibling, friend, or neighboring kids.
Remember, there is safety in numbers.
-Lastly, drivers have a lot to pay attention to, especially in school zones, so form a habit of not using your phone in the school zone (it is illegal) other than emergency use.
Thank you for committing to this shared responsibility and here's to a safe school year!
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